Building the Future
of Education.

There’s a school in Greenville, South Carolina, where children learn to believe.

Not just in themselves, but in something bigger; the idea that their potential is limitless – in school, in their career, and in life.

At Legacy Early College, the future isn’t a distant, hazy concept. It’s stitched into the very fabric of their lives.

On the back of every uniform, worn by scholars as young as four years old, are two simple words: College Bound.

That’s not a slogan. It’s a promise we make to them and a promise they make to themselves.

Imagine a school where all children have the same educational opportunies no matter where they live. Where the title 'College Bound' isn’t just a goal or aspiration, but a declaration. 

Given the proper tools and experiences, a college degree is not a dream. It is a reality.

Small class sizes, dedicated teachers, and a holistic approach gives every child the tools to become what they want to become.

When you support Legacy Early College, you’re not just changing one life. You’re changing generations. This isn’t about charity. This is about believing in a future where potential is realized. It’s about investing in a promise.

shows school building surrounded by grass

Building the Future: A New Campus for Legacy Scholars

Legacy Advancement has embarked on a new project to build a school for K4 through 8th grades, allowing Legacy Early College to serve more scholars and amplify its impact on the community.

The new 55-acre campus, scheduled to open by Fall 2027, will enable the school to enhance its innovative educational model, which has already yielded notable outcomes, including alumni who have gone on to excel in higher education and careers.

Cycles of poverty can be broken and paving the way for future generations of scholars to achieve educational and personal success.

The new Legacy Early College Elementary and Middle School campus will expand Legacy’s impact, provide a uniquely designed learning environment that fosters holistic development, and, most importantly, serve as a crucial resource for children facing systemic disadvantages, helping to reshape their futures for the better. LEARN MORE

From Our Community


Ingrid Cortes sitting with her college diploma, Class of 2015

“Legacy has been more than just a school to me. I was blessed with amazing teachers who guided me into the path of college. I graduated college in 2020 with a Bachelors in Education and two minors. Now, I have the great opportunity to give back to the Legacy community by teaching young scholars in Legacy Middle School.”

Daniela Cortes, class of 2015

Miya smiling with her hands on her chin and wearing a black hat with a yellow flower on it

“Legacy best prepared me for postgraduate by teaching me the importance of professionalism and image and the significance behind preparation. I felt prepared going into college and I was confident in my abilities to apply everything I had learned..” Miya Kinard., Class of 2020

male scholar in blue suit with white shirt and blue tie posing for professional photo

“I recall spending my mornings and afternoons with my advisory. During that time, we would complete homework, meditate, learn values on how to become professionals and talk a heap about sports. It served as an enriching start to my day and provided an opportunity to form lasting bonds with classmates who would eventually graduate alongside me. These moments hold a special place in my heart.”Alejandro J., Class of 2021

Male alumni in a white shirt and purple jacket

"My favorite thing about Legacy is the community here. The teachers not only get to know you, but they know you personally!"Jayden Williams,  Class of 2020

scholar in college gown smiling in front of building

“I’m glad I graduated Legacy because Legacy was able to give me the opportunity to go to college I wanted. They prepared me and made sure that I received the test scores my school required. They provided me a chance to experience real college classes which ultimately helped a lot when I went to college.”Ana Hernandez, Class of 2018

“I’m glad I attended Legacy because it instilled values and principles in me that has helped me be successful in life today, and also develop relationships that will last forever.” Harrison graduated in May 2020 from University of Detroit Mercy.

harrison curry, class of 2015

Why This Matters


to a brighter future

Our goal is to level the educational field where no child's future is determined by their zip code.

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To and Through

College for all scholars

Every scholar is equipped with the tools to achieve this goal.  After high school graduation, support does not stop for scholars, we assist in their college journey and even attend their college graduation.  We are here!

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Project Overview

Our future goals

View our current project and see the various ways in which you can assist us in these goals.

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Legacy Advancement works to maintain Legacy Early College mission through donations and awareness. Legacy's education model combines academic excellence, nutrition, and fitness. 

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